Train : Adding Elegantness to Your Bridal Gown

When you are shopping for your wedding gown, the train is one of the elements that needs your to be considered carefully. In the Vitorian era, a long train symbolizes the status of the bride. The longer the train, the higher is the status.

When thinking about the length of train to choose from, it is important to consider not only the length but also the comfort, cost and the formality of your wedding. Do you want a long, royal train similar to the one Kate Middleton wore or a short sweep train for trouble-free dancing? Many brides might consider a sweep train to be the practical choice because it doesn't need to be re-arranged during the wedding, but choosing to have a long train can make any bride feel like a queen.

Here are the different types of trains:

1) Sweep train

A small swish of a train that trails about six inches on the floor. This style works well on a slim fitting gown since the back hem is only a few inches longer than the front hem.

2) Chapel train

A train that extends 12 to 18 inches along the floor and is slightly longer than the sweep. It is currently the most popular because it is elegant yet not overly heavy.

3) Cathedral train

This train extends 22 or more inches along the floor and gives the dress a fairy tale look. Cathedral-style gowns usually have a removable train or bustling option.

4) Royal or Monarch train

A train that extends a yard or more on the floor. It is very dramatic and is the type the royals would wear on their wedding.

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