What color tuxedo should I wear to prom?

Black is the classic standard and you won’t go wrong with it, but traditionally black is worn with monochrome accessories. While this rule obviously no longer applies to proms, it’s my opinion that a black tuxedo is better paired with mid to dark colors, since the whole idea is to create contrast with the white shirt. Because in prom you’re going with a lighter color for your accessories,better stay away from any colorful tuxedos that could clash, but something lighter than black. A grey tuxedo is a very good choice. Whether you go with a darker charcoal grey, a mid steel grey, or a light heather grey, these options are perfect for prom and blend really well with any color in the ‘cool’ family like blues and purples and lavender. And while grey clearly isn’t classic black, it can be just as classy when worn correctly. I say that grey tuxedos are perfect for prom because, for prom you want to dapper up and look great, compliment your date, and have fun. But proms don’t have as restricting a dress code as most tuxedo-appropriate functions you might attend in life. Most of the tuxedos you’ll wear as an adult will be classic black, white shirt, black waistcoat or cummerbund, and a black bow tie, because it’s a great look and the invitation will require it. But prom is your chance to mix it up a little. Ultimately it’s up to you and your date what you want to wear. Just be sure that the fit is good and the night is fun. The rest, as they say, is just varying shades of grey. Reference link: http://www.mytuxedocatalog.com/blog/tuxedo-questions-and-answers-what-color-tuxedo-should-i-wear-to-prom/


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