Neoromantic Bride : Agnes How

Agnes is one of the very few bride I've met that is into DIY. She had DIY-ed most of the things in her wedding. She had even hand-sewn little flowers to her veil. She had our respect!

She had chosen Felisa S005 from our latest collection and had modified the design a little to suit her preferences. It was made with a layer of high quality corded lace on top of Duchess Satin. Silver beads and clear sequins were added to give it a bit of shine.

Here are some photos from her wedding.

Wedding Gown
The savvy bride putting on her shoes.

Wedding Gown
Beautiful lace edgings

Wedding Gown
Criss cross back to enhance the shape of the waist

Wedding Gown
The bride and groom on the aisle

Wedding Gown
Walking towards a new life together

Wedding Gown
Together forever

Timeless sophisticated lacy wedding gown to match with the classy environment in a beautiful old church. Simply memorable~


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